American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan

Helping businesses & international organizations in Kazakhstan

The American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan serves as the voice of the international and local business community by creating an open forum to exchange information, ideas, and experience doing business in Kazakhstan.


Through its advocacy initiatives, the Chamber provides opportunity for its members and government officials to engage in an on-going dialogue with the intention of improving the business environment for foreign and local investors alike. Beginning in 2008, AmCham adopted a pro-active stance on investment issues, entering into a close consultative relationship with the Prime Minister's Office.



Committees are led by specialists in their fields and aim to understand, analyze, and improve the business environment in Kazakhstan. Our groups meet in Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Aktau, and Shymkent to exchange ideas, educate members, and contribute to the policy debate in Kazakhstan.

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Networking events

The Chamber holds monthly Luncheon Business Roundtables featuring experts in the business community and government leaders who speak on economic and trade issues that impact Kazakhstan, the region, and the global environment. In addition, the Chamber sponsors several annual events that bring together members to sociolize, share knowledge, and generally have a good time.

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One of the most important areas of AmCham activity is its publications and communications strategy that ensures the broadest possible visibility for the Chamber and makes its voice heard where it matters. Our publications are distributed not only to members in Kazakhstan, but to AmCham member companies around the world, including the U.S., Canada, Turkey, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific.

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Amcham in kazakhstan at a glance

Year American Chamber of Commerce was founded in Kazakhstan


AmCham corporate members in 2025


Cities with AmCham Resident Representatives (Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Aktau, Shymkent)


National affiliations by country of AmCham Corporate Members


AmCham members represent 14 sectors, including oil & gas, Industrial machinery, consumer goods, tourism & hospitality


Corporate A members
(members with global annual revenue of $100 million +)

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